Tenth Place 2017
- Value
- Design
- Easy To Use
- Clean Cycle Features
- Warranty
- Doesn't dry well
- Noises
Our #10pick is the Electrolux EI24ID50QS Built-In Dishwasher that's 24" and Stainless Steel. It is average size and looks ok. Noise quality it’s a bit noisy but not overly loud. Dishes, pots, silverware, glassware all cleaned very well. Washes great but doesn't dry well. Comes with 10 washing cycles featuring three options, their customer service is not that great. We feel this product was cheaply made, but it works when it is working lacking a hard-food disposer which means more manual cleaning. It just doesn't work as well as we would like it. Frequent performance failure and error codes. Many consumers found this product not so great of a buy. They often had to get this unit fixed. Comes with a Free 10yr warranty on major components. A extended warranty is a must when purchasing this machine!